Geranium riversleaianum 'Russell Prichard'

Height Small, Medium
Situation Sun
Colour Magenta
Soil Type Reasonable soil, Well drained & dry soil
Season Summer
RHS Award of Garden Merit Award of Garden Merit
RHS - Plants for Pollinators Plants for Pollinators
Stock (28)

Key Features: Gorgeous bright cerise flowers that we reckon can be seen from space. The plant forms a low but wide mound of grey-green foliage.

Height x Spread: 12 x 36 inches (30 x 91 cm)

Preferred Aspect: Sun

Flowering Period: May - August

There aren’t many varieties of x riversleaianum in comparison to other types of Geranium, and only really two main ones, in the form of ‘Russell Prichard’ and ‘Mavis Simpson’. The former, I would think can almost certainly be seen from space, with its ultra-bright magenta flowers. If you want to draw the eye to a particular part of the garden, then Russell’s your guy. His sister Mavis, however, is far more subtle with flowers of a very soft pink. Both have the same, very attractive, grey-green foliage and although the stems have a creeping nature (but not invasive) the plant generally forms a neat mound. There is also a sort of smaller version of ‘Russell Prichard’ called ‘Little Gem’, and no, I’m not mistaking it for the lettuce. The x riversleaianums are a cross between G. endressii and G. traversii, the latter not really being commercially available. They should be grown in a sunny, well drained position. It should be noted that they do not tolerate sitting in cold, wet, winter soil very well, so it is wise to either cover them in some ventilated way, or plant them in gently sloping ground if it is not sufficiently well drained.

Hardy Geraniums are one of the most diverse genera of herbaceous perennials. It is possible to find a Geranium to suit most parts of your garden, from the vast range of species and varieties available. They complement most other plants beautifully and, chosen wisely, can provide a continuation of colour in the garden from spring through to early winter.

Please note that the heights, spreads and flowering periods mentioned are approximate, as they can be affected by your soil type, light levels and other various conditions that may surround the plant.