Key Features: Pretty and unusual flowers. Dark pink with a white fringe and centre!
Height x Spread: 8 x 12 inches (20 x 30 cm)
Preferred Aspect: Full sun
Flowering Period: June - September
The sanguineums are generally small, compact, neat and bushy plants that come in a wide variety of shades of pink, purple, cerise, magenta and white. Their foliage is glossy with tiny hairs and is attractively lobed. Their flowers are generally large and simple, and they are capable of visually lifting the front of a garden border. They are ideal for hot, dry, sunny sites and cope well with drought once established. They are long flowering too and will offer a second flush of flowers if cut back mid-season. Due to their small and compact nature, many of them work well in rock gardens, and they can also work well in containers for a time. They are very tough and a good all-rounder.
Hardy Geraniums are one of the most diverse genera of herbaceous perennials. It is possible to find a Geranium to suit most parts of your garden, from the vast range of species and varieties available. They complement most other plants beautifully and, chosen wisely, can provide a continuation of colour in the garden from spring through to early winter.
Please note that the heights, spreads and flowering periods mentioned are approximate, as they can be affected by your soil type, light levels and other various conditions that may surround the plant.