Seedball Artist's Meadow Tin

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This Seedball Artist's Meadow Mix contains 20 Seed Balls Bursting with Wildlife Friendly Wildflower Seeds. Easy to Sow & Grow.

What's Inside?
This seed mix is borne out of a collaboration with contemporary artist Yvonne Coomber. Inspired by the wildflowers growing outside of her studio in Devon, Yvonne painted a canvas for Seedball called ‘Here Is Where All The Wildflowers Grow’. A section of this painting has been taken to create this totally gorgeous design for the Artist’s Meadow Tin, with the seed mix being of those flowers from the painting.

To complete our collaboration the proceeds from the sale of every tin go to the Wildlife Trusts – a totally inspiring conservation charity working to save our wild places while bringing people closer to nature.

Each ball contains approximately 30 seeds per ball from a mix of Common Poppy, Oxeye Daisy, Musk Mallow, Corn Marigold, Purple Field Scabious, Red Campion and White Cow Parsley. Each tin has 20 seed balls, enough to cover 1 metre square in a garden bed or 3-5 medium sized pots (leave at least 10cm between each ball). Best scattered in Spring or Autumn.

Common Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
A bright red flowering annual - hugely popular and often used as a symbol of remembrance.
Height: 30-60cm.
Flowers: May to July
The remembrance poppy is the common field poppy, one of the first wildflowers to colonise disturbed ground or fallow cornfields. It became identified with the battle zones of the First World War, or Flanders Fields, which were originally corn fields.
Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)
Height: 30-90cm
Flowers: May to September
In Austria and Germany oxeye daisies were hung inside the house as it was believed they would repel lightning.
Musk Mallow (Malva moschata)
Description: A tall perennial with large rose pink petals.
Height: 40-70cm
Flowers: June to August
The plant is cultivated for its seeds, which are used in perfumes. The plant also yields a fibre that can be used for clarifying sugar.
Corn Marigold (Chrysanthemum segetum)
A medium height annual plant, its flowers are golden-yellow discs with prominent ray florets.
Height: 51-60cm
Flowers: June to October

Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis)
Height: 30-60cm
Flowers: August to September
Red Campion (Silene dioica)
A perennial with rose pink petals.
Height: 20-60cm
Flowers: March to November
Silenus the merry god of the woodlands in Greek mythology, gave his name to Silene dioica. The second part of its scientific name, dioica, means 'two houses', and refers to the fact that each Red Campion plant has flowers of one sex only, so that two plants are needed to make seeds.
Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris)
Height: 50-150cm
Flowers: May to July

A superb Eco Gift for Women, Men, Children, Gardeners and wildlife lovers alike. 

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